Web crawler DNS name resolution failed while validating domain

While trying to validate the domain we are getting "DNS name resolution failed. No suitable addresses found!" and we are able to access URL from browser.
we have standalone Elasticsearch running on windows and Enterprisesearch configured on Linux VM.
We are able to crawl internal URL's but not public, we also tried adding below configs to enterprise search. please suggest possible solutions to resolve this.

connector.crawler.http.proxy.host: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
connector.crawler.http.proxy.port: 8080
connector.crawler.http.proxy.protocol: https
connector.crawler.security.dns.allow_private_networks_access: true
connector.crawler.security.dns.allow_loopback_access: true

crawler.http.proxy.host: xxxxxxxxxxx
crawler.http.proxy.port: 8080
crawler.http.proxy.protocol: https
crawler.security.dns.allow_loopback_access: true
crawler.security.dns.allow_private_networks_access: true

Hi @sivagurlinka !

DNS resolution should not be checked when a proxy is being used. Can you please double check that the configuration you used is actually getting picked up by Enterprise Search?

The configuration you are providing is both for the Elastic web crawler and the App Search web crawler. What is the crawler you are using to perform the check?

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