What could be the cause of error ""

I recently met a error about timestamp, the error appears after the logstash pipeline start and work for a while. I could not reproduce it. But I wonder where the error could happen. Does it happen in the input plugin? since it says something about the codec.

Pipeline worker error
the pipeline will be stopped {:pipeline_id=>"main"
:error=>"(GeneratorError) Cannot invoke "org.logstash.Timestamp.toString()" because the return value of "org.logstash.ext.JrubyTimestampExtLibrary$RubyTimestamp.getTimestamp()" is null (through reference chain: org.logstash.ConvertedMap["_@timestamp"])"
:thread=>"#<Thread:0xfd57d9a /log_analyzer/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/java_pipeline.rb:134 sleep>"}

This answer includes speculation....

The error in in the kafka output, which is calling a json codec. It is trying to encode a field. It seems likely that that field is called "_@timestamp". That field would get created if you have a json codec on an input and it receives JSON "@timestamp": "something that is not a valid time".

I am not inclined to work out what might provoke the code to return null, nor do I understand the message about the reference chain.

The underlying error is probably that a json codec on an input is failing to parse a field called @timestamp.

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