Where can find doc for winlogbeat processor

winlogbeat 7.3.2

I see follows code in winlogbeat's security.js (winlogbeat-7.3.2\module\security\config\security.js)

var security = (function () {
    var path = require("path");
    var processor = require("processor");
    var winlogbeat = require("winlogbeat");

    var addAuthSuccess = new processor.AddFields({
        fields: {
            "event.category": "authentication",
            "event.type": "authentication_success",
        target: "",

    var addAuthFailed = new processor.AddFields({
        fields: {
            "event.category": "authentication",
            "event.type": "authentication_failure",
        target: "",

    var convertAuthentication = new processor.Convert({ 

i can found AddFields、Convert function, where can i found the processor's all function

It's mostly the same list of processors listed in Define processors | Winlogbeat Reference [7.14] | Elastic. But instead of snake-case naming (e.g. add_fields) they follow upper camel-case name (e.g. AddFields) to fit into Javascript conventions. The config options are exactly the same.

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