Why _grokparsefailure?

Hi, here is my config:

input {
  stdin {}
  file {
    codec => multiline {
      pattern => "^{%{DATESTAMP_EVENTLOG}"
      what => "previous"
      negate => true
      multiline_tag => ""
    path => "/tmp/testdata"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
#    break_on_match => true

filter {
  mutate {
    gsub => ["message","\n",""]
  mutate {
    remove_field => [ "host", "@version", "path", "tags", "@timestamp", "@version"]
  grok {
    match => [ "message", "{%{DATESTAMP_EVENTLOG:date},%{DATA:sda},{%{DATA:qwe},%{INT:cxzc}},%{INT:iueqiwueiquweiq},%{INT:vcxv},%{INT:gff},%{INT:ifjidjfidjfijd},%{INT:ret},%{DATA:nbvn},\\"%{DATA:nbvn}\\",%{INT:vxcv},{\\"P\\",{6,{%{GREEDYDATA:zxckeowkek}},{%{GREEDYDATA:xczx}}}},\\"%{DATA:sdasdew}\\",%{INT:cxzsa},%{INT:nvbre},%{INT:fgwe34c},%{INT:nhrtyew},%{INT:dqrtq}%{GREEDYDATA:drop}" ]

output {
    stdout { codec => rubydebug }
#    file { path => "/tmp/debug.out" }


       "tags" => [
        [0] "_grokparsefailure"
"message" => "{20181004010443,N,{0,0},640,12,3,20340532,3,s,\"\",0,{\"P\",{6,{\"S\",\"ДАННЫЕ\"},{\"S\",\"LOPS\\ДАННЫЕ\"}}},\"\",1,17,17,258497671,0,{0}},"

But why the result is _grokparsefailure? I tested it with Kibana grok debugger and it's working.

Please, help!

it works if send data to stdin, but doesn't with data from file. Why?

In file I've multiline events, they handled by multiline codec to be single line:


i also have faced multi-line problem
i remove line breaks since app level eg Regex.Replace(str, @"\n|\r", ""); then pass to logstash
it works, no more _grokparsefailure on multiline logs

It's impossible in my case. I've more than 1TB plain log already.

The problem was with stdout rubydebug. With other outputs works well.

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