Why not recognize simple syslog text as SYSLOGLINE in Grok Debugger?


Source log:
Mar 16 00:01:25 evita postfix/smtpd[1713]: connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]

Grok pattern - SYSLOGLINE

Output - No Matches


I cannot speak to herokuapp.com, but it works in logstash

input { generator { count => 1 lines => [ 'Mar 16 00:01:25 evita postfix/smtpd[1713]: connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]' ] } }
filter { grok { match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGLINE}" } } }


 "timestamp" => "Mar 16 00:01:25",
   "message" => [
    [0] "Mar 16 00:01:25 evita postfix/smtpd[1713]: connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]",
    [1] "connect from camomile.cloud9.net[]"
 "logsource" => "evita",
   "program" => "postfix/smtpd",

Yes.. i forgot. Right %{SYSLOGLINE}.

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