Winlogbeat does not send logs to Logstash


I've recently been trying to make it so Winlogbeat sends it's logs to Logstash but nothing is happening. Then I tried to send logs directly to Elasticsearch and it works. I don't know what the problem is.
I've checked my firewall and there is nothing blocking it.

Logstash configuration:

input {
tcp {
port => 5001

filter {
grok {
match => [ 'TimeCreated', "Date(%{NUMBER:timestamp})" ]
date {
match => [ 'timestamp', 'UNIX_MS' ]
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => ["winlogbeat"]

Logstash says in the logs that it's listening on port 5001 for tcp. I've also changed the Winlogbeat output to send with tcp to port 5001.
I also tried to use beats instead of tcp but nothing differed, it still didn't get any input.
To simplify I have not used any SSL, user authentication or anything else that might bother the connection.

Hi @student,

If there is an error you will probably see it in Winlogbeat logs, did you have a look to them?

Best regards


Thank you I didn't know that you have to specify that you want logs from winlogbeat.
Is there a way to make winlogbeat send using UDP?

I've resolved it, the firewall wasn't opend for my subnet.

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