(Andrii Vereshchaka)
September 9, 2021, 12:34pm
Good day !
Accordingly to my logstash configuration I get a message with an array consists of key:value pairs.
I have to mutate it on a very special way adding two fields and put there the key and the value . For example
An incoming message looks like:
So the mutated one should look as
I guess that I should use ruby but it is unclear to me how to use it to get the result.
Any help would be appreciated.
September 9, 2021, 6:56pm
It is unclear what you want to do. Do you want two events each containing [Field1] and [Field2]?
(Andrii Vereshchaka)
September 9, 2021, 8:23pm
I have an event looks like an array of key:value pairs . I want to transform it into multiple events ,where each of them consists of two fields . A first field value is the key from array and a second field value is the value from array.
Sure , based on my example I want to transform the array into 2 events with those 2 fields
September 9, 2021, 9:37pm
Your values contain commas, so a simple mutate+split will incorrectly parse the [message]. Luckily, a kv filter parses it correctly
kv { field_split => "," value_split => ":" trim_key => '"' target => "[@metadata][kvData]" }
ruby {
code => '
kvData = event.get("[@metadata][kvData]")
if kvData
data = []
kvData.each { |k, v|
data << { "Field1" => k, "Field2" => v }
event.set("someField", data)
split { field => "someField" }
You can move the results to the top level using this code.
I think using a kv filter is fragile, and I would do it in ruby.
ruby {
code => '
matches = event.get("message").scan(/"([^"]*)":"([^"]*)"(,|$)/)
data = []
matches.each_index { |x|
data << { "Field1" => matches[x][0], "Field2" => matches[x][1] }
event.set("someField", data)
split { field => "someField" }
Although that regexp may not be any less fragile than the kv filter
1 Like
(Andrii Vereshchaka)
September 10, 2021, 1:06am
Thanks a lot ! It is the thing I have been looking for !
October 8, 2021, 1:07am
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