X509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Hi Team,
I have installed heartbeat in one of my server and try parsing them to elastic search for some specific urls' all i could see "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" messages in the kibana. My heartbeat.yml looks like below.

############################# Heartbeat ######################################

# Configure monitors
- type: http

  # List or urls to query
  urls: ["https://xxxx-yyyy-corp.com/DigitalSystem/","https://aaaaaa-bbbbbb.corp.com/DigitalSystem/"]
# Configure task schedule
  schedule: '@every 60s'

  # Total test connection and data exchange timeout
  #timeout: 16s
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Hi @Nithani25,

Is it possible that these urls are using self-signed certificates? If that is the case you may want to install them to the system, or add its CA with ssl.certificate_authorities.

You can also disable ssl checks with ssl.verification_mode: none.


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