Xml filter array

I'm getting there step by step.

  ruby {  code => "
  event.set('mksrevision', [event.get('ID'), event.get('author'), event.get('desc'), event.get('date')].transpose)
  array_of_hashes = event.get('mksrevision').collect { |i| {'id' => i[0], 'author' => i[1], 'desc' => i[2], 'date' => i[3]}}
  event.set('mks', array_of_hashes)

this creates an array "mks" wich basically has the richt structure

I need to parse each array elemnt as a seperate document to elasticsearch.

got it after that i used

split {
         field => "mks"

now its working, thanks magnus for bearing with me and my none existing ruby knowlege