I'm looking to extract an xml file into usable components. On all my configs to date, the inputs have usually been syslogs or files that allow key/value separation making things easier to separate.
I have a file with multiple lines that look like this:
<Event><System><Provider Name="NetApp-Security-Auditing" Guid="{3CB2A168-FE19-4A4E-BDAD-DCF422F13473}"/><EventID>4656</EventID><EventName>Open Object</EventName><Version>101.3</Version><Source>CIFS</Source><Level>0</Level><Opcode>0</Opcode><Keywords>0x8020000000000000</Keywords><Result>Audit Success</Result><TimeCreated SystemTime="2017-12-15T10:34:51.979061000Z"/><Correlation/><Channel>Security</Channel><Computer>main-server/server-data</Computer><ComputerUUID>cf380853-6606-11e6-9638-00a098a5e1db/2fe0edc3-723f-11e7-ab83-00a098a627d4</ComputerUUID><Security/></System><EventData><Data Name="SubjectIP" IPVersion="4"></Data><Data Name="SubjectUnix" Uid="65534" Gid="65534" Local="false"></Data><Data Name="SubjectUserSid">S-1-5-21-1997283580-3459341067-486214353-122727</Data><Data Name="SubjectUserIsLocal">false</Data><Data Name="SubjectDomainName">my_domain</Data><Data Name="SubjectUserName">firstname.lastname</Data><Data Name="ObjectServer">Security</Data><Data Name="ObjectType">Directory</Data><Data Name="HandleID">000000000004cc;00;00000061;2a5f8706</Data><Data Name="ObjectName">(server_data);/server_data</Data><Data Name="AccessList">%%4416 %%4423 </Data><Data Name="AccessMask">81</Data><Data Name="DesiredAccess">Read Data; List Directory; Read Attributes; </Data><Data Name="Attributes"></Data></EventData></Event>
There are many of these lines in the file. The example above is from a single line.
With kv, I could separate them and drop the ones I don't need. I'm not sure how to achieve this with an xml file.
This is as far as I've gotten. I've every expectation that I'm way off...
input {
file {
type => "netapp"
path => "C:\audit.xml"
start_position => beginning
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "<Event>"
filter {
xml {
source => "message"
target => "xml_content"
xpath => [ "<Event>", "event" ]
output {
if [type] == "netapp" {
elasticsearch {
index => "netapp-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
hosts => [""]
Despite the config passing the config check, it causes errors in the Logstash logs and refuses to import. I'm essentially looking for a way to take each of the components, drop the ones I don't care about such as the Guid and then send the rest on to Elasticsearch.
Can anyone provide some pointers/explanations. I can't find any good examples of working xml filters to base mine from.
Thanks for your help.