XML Filter :How to create array of objects using xml filter (xpath)

I am new to logstash. I am trying push XML (generated as the output of http polling) in logstash. I want to have the XML elements attributes convert to json objects.I am using xpath for parsing xml data.But i am getting separate array of xpath fields insteda of array of objects.

My http response will be like this:

17 AGFAM Falmouth Harbor P CARB AG -4.0000 1 18 GPIDS Iles Des Saintes P CARB GP 0.0000 1 19 MQQMR Le Marin P CARB MQ -4.0000 1

My logstach confi xml filter like this:

filter {

xml {
store_xml => "false"
source => "message"
target => "abc"
remove_field => ["message","http_poller_metadata","@version","@timestamp"]
xpath => [
"/ResListLocation/LocationList/Location/LocationId/text()", "id",
"/ResListLocation/LocationList/Location/Name/text()", "name",
"/ResListLocation/LocationList/Location/Code/text()", "code"

force_array => false


I am gertting output like this:

                "_index": "logst41",
                "_type": "port",
                "_id": "AWUlK6ZzTgnFfJZNCIK6",
                "_score": 1,
                "_source": {
                    "code": [
                    "name": [
                        "Salem, Massachusetts",
                        "Santa Marta",
                    "id": [

But I am expecting output like this:

"_index": "logst41",
"_type": "port",
"_id": "AWUlK6ZzTgnFfJZNCIK6",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
{"code":"AGFAM", "name":"Salem, Massachusetts","id": "17"},
{"code":"GRKAP", "name":"Bridgetown","id": "18"},
{"code":"SIKOP", "name":"Santa Marta","id": "19"}

            <Name>Falmouth Harbor</Name>
            <Name>Iles Des Saintes</Name>
            <Name>Le Marin</Name>

Yeah... that's how the filter works. You can use a ruby filter to join the elements of each array into an array of objects. I believe examples of this have been posted in the past.

Something like this:

    ruby { code => "
        c = event.get('code')
        i = event.get('id')
        n = event.get('name')
        a = []
        c.each_index { |k|
            h = { 'code' => c[k], 'id' => i[k], 'name' => n[k] }
            a << h
        event.set('arrayOfHashes', a)

Error handling is left as an exercise for the reader.

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