Xml Filter Not Extracting All Values From XML Document

I have an xml document having nested array elements for Test Case Run Summary . Since a Test Case contains multiple Test Steps, so in the document you will see multiple node and each node contains corresponding step information like <step_name>, <execution_status> etc.

Now when I used XML Filter to parse and extract step information from all the nodes, it generates output as an array element for all the nodes present under node like :-

"step_name" => [
[ 0] "Subprocess Login - Login",
[ 1] "Subprocess Login",
[ 2] "Subprocess Initiate_Reservation - Initiate_Reservation",
[ 3] "Subprocess Initiate_Reservation",
[ 4] "Subprocess Select_CarClass~1 - Select_CarClass",
[ 5] "Subprocess Select_CarClass~1",
[ 6] "Subprocess Get_CarClass_Details - Get_CarClass_Details",
[ 7] "Subprocess Update_Extras - Update_Extras",
[ 8] "Subprocess Commit_Reservation - Commit_Reservation",
[ 9] "Subprocess Commit_Reservation",
[10] "Subprocess Retrieve_Reservation - Retrieve_Reservation",
[11] "Subprocess Retrieve_Reservation",
[12] "Subprocess Cancel_Reservation - Cancel_Reservation",
[13] "Subprocess Cancel_Reservation",
[14] "Subprocess Retrieve_Reservation~1 - Retrieve_Reservation",
[15] "Subprocess Retrieve_Reservation~1",
[16] "Subprocess Cancel_Reservation~1 - Cancel_Reservation"
"execution_status" => [
[ 0] "PASSED",
[ 1] "PASSED",
[ 2] "PASSED",
[ 3] "PASSED",
[ 4] "PASSED",
[ 5] "PASSED",
[ 6] "PASSED",
[ 7] "PASSED",
[ 8] "PASSED",
[ 9] "PASSED",
[10] "PASSED",
[11] "PASSED",
[12] "PASSED",
[13] "PASSED",
[14] "PASSED",
[15] "PASSED"

Original XML document contains 18 step nodes. So XML Filter should extract 18 elements for step_name and execution_status". But as you can see from the above example, XML Filter extracted 18 elements for step_name and 16 elements for execution_status.

Need your help to understand, why the XML Filter is behaving like that?

Logstash CONF File:-
input {
file {
path => "//devcorp.deverac.local/dfsroot/NAS/data01_RQATtesting/ARS/Results/EMAGorilla/EGBO-RCQA/EGBO_Sanity_Suite/Run_10-15-2018_09-59-39-PM/EGBO_SANITY_02_AuthRes/Step_Detail_XML.xml"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "NUL"
type => "xml"
codec => multiline {
pattern => ""
negate => "true"
what => previous
auto_flush_interval => 1

xml {
source => "message"
target => "xmldata"
store_xml => false
xpath => [
"/testCase/tc_start_time/text()", "tc_start_time",
"/testCase/step/step_name/text()", "step_name",

mutate {
remove_field => [ "@timestamp","host","tags","@version","type","message"]


output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Original XML Doc:-

<tc_start_time>10/15/2018 09:56:43 PM</tc_start_time>
<tc_end_time>10/15/2018 09:57:10 PM</tc_end_time>
<exec_time_sec>26 sec</exec_time_sec>

<step_name>Subprocess Login - Login</step_name>
<execution_time_sec>1 sec</execution_time_sec>

Check HTTP Response Code

<step_name>Subprocess Cancel_Reservation~1 - Cancel_Reservation</step_name>
<execution_time_sec>< 1 sec</execution_time_sec>

Check HTTP Response Code

<step_name>Subprocess Cancel_Reservation~1</step_name>
<execution_time_sec>< 1 sec</execution_time_sec>

Match Presence Of Error Code

Match Presence Of Error Message


Cannot provide you the complete XML Doc due to space limitation.It will be very helpful if you can help me out to resolve this weird issue.

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