Hi all,
I need to ingest XML files which are the output of a Nessus scanner.
The XML has this structure
?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Report name="host1" xmlns:cm="http://www.nessus.org/cm">
<ReportHost name="Host1">
<ReportItem port="80" svc_name="www" protocol="tcp" severity="2" pluginID="45411" pluginName="SSL" pluginFamily="General">
<ReportItem port="8081" svc_name="www" protocol="tcp" severity="2" pluginID="45411" pluginName="SSL" pluginFamily="General">
<ReportItem port="8083" svc_name="www" protocol="tcp" severity="2" pluginID="45411" pluginName="SSL" pluginFamily="General">
<ReportHost name="Host2">
<ReportItem port="80" svc_name="www" protocol="tcp" severity="2" pluginID="45411" pluginName="SSL" pluginFamily="General">
<ReportItem port="8081" svc_name="www" protocol="tcp" severity="2" pluginID="45411" pluginName="SSL" pluginFamily="General">
<ReportItem port="8083" svc_name="www" protocol="tcp" severity="2" pluginID="45411" pluginName="SSL" pluginFamily="General">
</Report name>
I need to have one document per ReportItem but I want to add each document a new field containing the host information.
Is it possible to share the name of the tah ReportHost in the preceding ReportItems events?
I have tried something like the configuration below, with no luck
How can I carry the hostname between events until a new ReportHost appears?
Thank you!
input {
file {
path => "/data/nessus/nessus.xml"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
start_position => "beginning"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^<ReportItem |^<ReportHost"
auto_flush_interval => 1
negate => "true"
what => "previous"
max_lines => 1000000000
max_bytes => "50 MiB"
tags => "xml_test"
type => "xml_test"
filter {
##interpret the message as XML
if [message] =~ "^<ReportHost*" {
source => "message"
store_xml => "false"
force_array => "false"
xpath => ["ReportHost/@name", name]
ruby {
init => "@asset = event.get('name')"
if [message] =~ "^<ReportItem*" {
source => "message"
store_xml => "false"
force_array => "false"
xpath => ["ReportItem/@tag1", plugin_name]
xpath => ["ReportItem/@tag2", plugin_id]
xpath => ["ReportItem/@tag3", risk_score]
ruby {
code => "
event.set('asset', @asset')