Xml parcing problem

Hello everyone, I'm trying to parse the xml file, but the logstach configuration fails below, their hml needs to pull out only the value of the web container, but for some reason everything gets into the message field

xml {
 target => "doc"
 store_xml +> false
 source => "message"
 xpath => ["/Stats/@name", "name"]
 xpath => ["/Stats/BRS/@cur", "Current"]
 xml file is bellow
    indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Snapshot time="1559836472362">
<Stats name="WMQJCAResourceAdapter" statType="threadPoolModule" il="-2" type="COLLECTION">
<BRS id="3" lWM="0" hWM="1" cur="0" int="967.0" sT="1559799678760" lST="1559836472143" lB="0" uB="0">
<BRS id="4" lWM="1" hWM="10" cur="1" int="1.9528504E7" sT="1559799678760" lST="1559836472143" lB="10" uB="50">
<CS id="6" sT="1559799711817" lST="1559799711817" ct="0">
<CS id="7" sT="1559799711817" lST="1559799711817" ct="0">
<RS id="8" sT="1559799711817" lST="1559836472143" lWM="0" hWM="0" cur="0" int="0.0"></RS>
<Stats name="WebContainer" statType="threadPoolModule" il="-2" type="COLLECTION">
<BRS id="3" lWM="1" hWM="76" cur="73" int="1.38463928E8" sT="1559799674049" lST="1559836472143" lB="0" uB="0">
<BRS id="4" lWM="1" hWM="76" cur="76" int="1.132993425E9" sT="1559799674049" lST="1559836472143" lB="50" uB="500">
<CS id="6" sT="1559799711817" lST="1559799711817" ct="0">
<CS id="7" sT="1559799711817" lST="1559799711817" ct="0">
<RS id="8" sT="1559799711817" lST="1559836472143" lWM="0" hWM="0" cur="0" int="0.0"></RS>
<Stats name="WorkManager.AsynchLogWriteWorkManager" statType="threadPoolModule" il="-2" type="COLLECTION">
<BRS id="3" lWM="0" hWM="300" cur="205" int="8.59293321E8" sT="1559808597889" lST="1559836472143" lB="0" uB="0">
<BRS id="4" lWM="1" hWM="300" cur="212" int="1.74246295E9" sT="1559808597889" lST="1559836472143" lB="100" uB="300">
<CS id="6" sT="1559808597889" lST="1559836395703" ct="126">
<CS id="7" sT="1559808597889" lST="1559808597889" ct="0">
<RS id="8" sT="1559808597889" lST="1559836395703" lWM="1" hWM="126" cur="126" int="6.86019366E8"></RS>

but in index all information in message

You need to include Snapshot in the xpath values

    xml {
        target => "doc"
        store_xml => false
        source => "message"
        xpath => {
            "/Snapshot/Stats/@name" => "name"
            "/Snapshot/Stats/BRS/@cur" => "Current"

The xpath option expects a hash. Specifying an option multiple times will work in every case except where it does not work. In that case it will confuse the hell of you. It does not matter in this case, but using an option only once is a good habit to get into.

I tried your config, but it does not work, all the fields to into the message

I simplified the task and left the most minimal and even with it all the parameters come in the message field

in fact, I need only parameter cur="73" if Stats name="WebContainer" and BRS id="3" need to pull out these values, I tried everything but nothing helps

I try it
in this work very goot

but not work in logstash.
"/Snapshot/Stats[@name='WebContainer']/BRS[@id='4']/@cur", "WebContainer"
all info go to message

It works in logstash as well.

    xml {
        target => "doc"
        store_xml => false
        source => "message"
        force_array => false
        xpath => {
            "/Snapshot/Stats/@name" => "name"
            "/Snapshot/Stats[@name='WebContainer']/BRS[@id='4']/@cur" => "Current"


      "name" => [
    [0] "WMQJCAResourceAdapter",
    [1] "WebContainer",
    [2] "WorkManager.AsynchLogWriteWorkManager"
   "Current" => "76",

in 7.1.1

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