Xml parse in logstash

Hi @Badger I'm Trying to parse the log file with below xml

<imm:IMM-contents xmlns:imm="http://www.saforum.org/IMMSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="SAI-AIS-IMM-XSD-A.02.13.xsd">
	<class name="OpenSafAmfConfig">

my pipeline

input {
  file {
    path => "/etc/logstash/imm.xml"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
    codec => multiline {
      pattern => "<class name"
      negate => true
      what => "previous"

mutate { gsub => [ "message", "<.xml version.>", "" ] }
mutate { gsub => [ "message", "<imm:IMM-contents.>", "" ] }
source => "message"
remove_namespaces => true
store_xml => false
#target => "theXML"
xpath => [
"/class/@name", "class_name",
"/class/category/text()", "class_category",
"/class/rdn/name/text()", "rdn_name",
"/class/rdn/type/text()", "rdn_type",
"/class/rdn/category/text()", "rdn_category",
"/class/rdn/flag/text()", "rdn_flag",
"/class/attr/name/text()", "attr_name",
"/class/attr/type/text()", "attr_type",
"/class/attr/category/text()", "attr_category",
#"/job_list/hard_request[@name]", "hard_request",
"/class/attr/flag/text()", "attr_flag",
"/class/attr/default-value/text()", "default_value"
mutate {
rename => [
"[class_name][0]", "class_name",
"[class_category][0]", "class_category",
"[rdn_name][0]", "rdn_name",
"[rdn_type][0]", "rdn_type",
"[rdn_category][0]", "rdn_category",
"[rdn_flag][0]", "rdn_flag",
"[attr_name][0]", "attr_name",
"[attr_type][0]", "attr_type",
"[attr_category][0]", "attr_category",
"[attr_flag][0]", "attr_flag",
"[default_value][0]", "default_value"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

I want every rdn adn attr as an event or element not in a single count . instead of i want all with every element..
Please help me on this ..

Don't use xpath, store the xml then split { field => "[theXML][attr]" } then rename all the fields to your taste.

Thanks, @Badger But still I'm getting error.
Can you tell me how to do it. it would be helpful for me..


mutate { gsub => [ "message", "<.xml version.>", "" ] }
mutate { gsub => [ "message", "<imm:IMM-contents.>", "" ] }
source => "message"
remove_namespaces => true
store_xml => true
target => "theXML"
split { 
    field => "[theXML][attr]",
    field => "[theXML][rdn]"
mutate {
rename => [
"[class_name][0]", "class_name",
"[class_category][0]", "class_category",
"[rdn_name][0]", "rdn_name",
"[rdn_type][0]", "rdn_type",
"[rdn_category][0]", "rdn_category",
"[rdn_flag][0]", "rdn_flag",
"[attr_name][0]", "attr_name",
"[attr_type][0]", "attr_type",
"[attr_category][0]", "attr_category",
"[attr_flag][0]", "attr_flag"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Above is the config file.

Can you replace lines like this, separated xml and 2 split:

source => "message"
remove_namespaces => true
store_xml => true
target => "theXML"

split { 
    field => "[theXML][attr]"

split { 
    field => "[theXML][rdn]"

@Rios Thanks for the replay man.

Still I'm getting error ..
I tried with split but getting error.

Can you tell me pls how to do with split of possible can you reframe above code

That is expected. You are consuming the file as two events (not sure why). The first does not have <attr> or <rdn> elements, so the split will fail. You can make the split conditional on the existence of the field.

Thanks, @Badger..
from the above xml I want 4 events rdn and 3 attr events how can I do I'm getting only 1 single event still I tried with above split I'm new to this ELK can you pls help me out ..

@Badger can you replay please on this ..

Hi @Rios waiting for your replay .....

You can make something as Badger suggested

input {
  file {file {
    path => "/etc/logstash/imm.xml"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
   codec => multiline {
      pattern => "\s*<class"
      negate => true
      what => "previous"
      auto_flush_interval => 1
      multiline_tag => ""
filter {
   if ([message] =~ /^<imm/ ) {
   xml {
     source => "message"
     target => "theXML"
	 force_array => false
	 remove_namespaces => true
   split { 
      field => "[theXML][attr]"
  mutate{  rename => ["[theXML][name]", "class_name",
  "[theXML][category]", "category",
  "[theXML][rdn][name]", "rnd_name",  
  "[theXML][rdn][category]", "rnd_category", 
  "[theXML][rdn][type]", "rnd_type", 
  "[theXML][rdn][flag]", "rnd_flag",
  "[theXML][attr][category]", "attr_category",
  "[theXML][attr][type]", "attr_type",
  "[theXML][attr][flag]", "attr_flag",
  "[theXML][attr][name]", "attr_name"


output {
    stdout { codec => rubydebug{} }


     "rnd_category" => "SA_CONFIG",
         "rnd_flag" => "SA_INITIALIZED",
         "rnd_name" => "amfConfig",
         "rnd_type" => "SA_STRING_T",
         "category" => "SA_CONFIG",
    "attr_category" => "SA_CONFIG",
        "attr_flag" => "SA_WRITABLE",
        "attr_name" => "osafAmfRestrictAutoRepairEnable",
       "class_name" => "OpenSafAmfConfig",
        "attr_type" => "SA_UINT32_T"
     "rnd_category" => "SA_CONFIG",
         "rnd_flag" => "SA_INITIALIZED",
         "rnd_name" => "amfConfig",
         "rnd_type" => "SA_STRING_T",
         "category" => "SA_CONFIG",
    "attr_category" => "SA_CONFIG",
        "attr_flag" => "SA_WRITABLE",
        "attr_name" => "osafAmfDelayNodeFailoverTimeout",
       "class_name" => "OpenSafAmfConfig",
        "attr_type" => "SA_TIME_T"
     "rnd_category" => "SA_CONFIG",
         "rnd_flag" => "SA_INITIALIZED",
         "rnd_name" => "amfConfig",
         "rnd_type" => "SA_STRING_T",
         "category" => "SA_CONFIG",
    "attr_category" => "SA_CONFIG",
        "attr_flag" => "SA_WRITABLE",
        "attr_name" => "osafAmfDelayNodeFailoverNodeWaitTimeout",
       "class_name" => "OpenSafAmfConfig",
        "attr_type" => "SA_TIME_T"

Not sure is this what you want. If you want to more separate nodes, you have to use ruby. Maybe someone will have better idea.

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