Is there a way to specify which fields to include/exclude from _all using
just the Java API? I'm currently indexing data using XContentBuilder (do
not have separate json mappings) like this:
XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder().startObject()
.field("datefield", new Date())
.field("astring", "blah")
I would like to exclude things like dates, numeric fields, etc. Is it
necessary to create json mappings to have this fine-grained of control?
Le 25 juin 2014 à 17:51:59, Ben Dotte ( a écrit:
Is there a way to specify which fields to include/exclude from _all using just the Java API? I'm currently indexing data using XContentBuilder (do not have separate json mappings) like this:
XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder().startObject()
.field("datefield", new Date())
.field("astring", "blah")
I would like to exclude things like dates, numeric fields, etc. Is it necessary to create json mappings to have this fine-grained of control?
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