401 "unauthorised" error in Filebeat

I am trying to load template for Kibana in Filebeat

PS C:\filebeat-5.2.0-windows-x86_64\scripts> .\import_dashboards.exe -file .\beats-dashboards-5.2.0.zip.\import_dashboards.exe -file .\beats-dashboards-5.2.0.zip

but facing with error:

fail to set the mapping. Error: 401 Unauthorized
Create temporary directory C:\TEMP\2\tmp138444715
Unzip archive C:\TEMP\2\tmp138444715
Import directory C:\TEMP\2\tmp138444715\beats-dashboards-5.2.0\filebeat/index-pattern
Import index to /.kibana/index-pattern/filebeat-* from C:\TEMP\2\tmp138444715\beats-dashboards-5.2.0\filebeat\index-pattern\filebeat.json
ERROR: couldn't load json. Error: 401 Unauthorized
fail to import index-pattern: fail to load directory C:\TEMP\2\tmp138444715\beats-dashboards-5.2.0\filebeat/index-pattern: error loading C:\TEMP\2\tmp138444715\beats-dashboards-5.2.0\filebeat\index-pattern\filebeat.json: couldn't load json. Error: 401 Unauthorized

Please advise what i am doing wrong. I am using x-pack and all my yml and config files include username and password mentioned for "elastic" default user.


You must set the -user and -pass flags. See .\import_dashboards.exe -h. It doesn't read the YAML config file.

PS C:\filebeat-5.2.0-windows-x86_64\scripts> .\import_dashboards.exe -user ..... -pass .......... -file .\beats-dashboards-5.2.0.zip
Create temporary directory C:\Users\bb_admin\AppData\Local\Temp\2\tmp510701671
Unzip archive C:\Users\bb_admin\AppData\Local\Temp\2\tmp510701671
Import directory C:\Users\bb_admin\AppData\Local\Temp\2\tmp510701671\beats-dashboards-5.2.0\filebeat/index-pattern
Import index to /.kibana/index-pattern/filebeat-* from C:\Users\bb_admin\AppData\Local\Temp\2\tmp510701671\beats-dashboards-5.2.0\filebeat\index-pattern\filebeat.json
No directory C:\Users\bb_admin\AppData\Local\Temp\2\tmp510701671\beats-dashboards-5.2.0\filebeat/dashboard
PS C:\filebeat-5.2.0-windows-x86_64\scripts>

i am starting this command under the local admin account.
also have disabled checkbox "read only" for temp dirrectory.

That looks normal. There is only an index pattern for Filebeat. There are no sample dashboards since people's logs vary so much.

But we are working on a new feature to bundle configuration for parsing common log types with dashboards designed specifically for those logs types. We are calling it Filebeat modules.

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