I think we can reproduce it. I was able to do so on a single node.
After starting elasticsearch 9.0 on a local machine (1 node), I issued the following commands to reproduce the ReduceSearchPhaseException. The exception was not logged into elasticsearch.log, but it did produce the error on the second call to "./all_options_search.sh exampletype"
I am including every shell script used, except for put_1000_items.sh, which is large (622KB). You should be able to download it from
./create_index.sh biocompare
./x_map_type.sh exampletype
./all_options_search.sh exampletype
./all_options_search.sh exampletype
rootLogger: INFO, console, file
log action execution errors for easier debugging
action: DEBUG
reduce the logging for aws, too much is logged under the default INFO
com.amazonaws: WARN
gateway: DEBUG
index.gateway: DEBUG
peer shard recovery
index.shard.recovery: DEBUG
type: console
type: consolePattern
conversionPattern: "[%d{ABSOLUTE}][%-5p][%-25c] %m%n"
type: dailyRollingFile
file: ${path.logs}/${cluster.name}.log
datePattern: "'.'yyyy-MM-dd"
type: pattern
conversionPattern: "[%d{ABSOLUTE}][%-5p][%-25c] %m%n"
cat $0 | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^cat'
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/$1/foo/1 -d '
"bar" : "orly?"
cat $0 | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^cat'
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/biocompare/$1/_mapping -d '
"$1" : {
"properties" : {
"item_name" : { "type" : "multi_field", "fields" : { "default" : { "type" : "string", "store" : "no", "index" : "analyzed" }, "facet" : { "type": "string", "store" : "yes", "index" : "not_analyzed" } } },
"price" : { "type" : "multi_field", "fields" : { "default" : { "type" : "float", "store" : "no", "index" : "analyzed" }, "facet" : { "type": "string", "store" : "yes", "index" : "not_analyzed" } } },
"Description" : { "type" : "multi_field", "fields" : { "default" : { "type" : "string", "store" : "no", "index" : "analyzed" }, "facet" : { "type": "string", "store" : "yes", "index" : "not_analyzed" } } }
curl -XPOST localhost:9200/biocompare/$1/_search -d '
"from" : 0,
"size" : 1,
"fields" : ["_id","price.facet"],
"sort" : {
"Description.facet" : { }
"query" : {
"match_all" : { }
"facets" : {
"vendor" : {
"terms" : {
"field" : "price.facet",
"size" : 100,
"analyzer" : "none"
"global" : false
[09:53:21,422][INFO ][node ] [Black Jack Tarr] {elasticsearch/0.9.0}[8936]: initializing ...
[09:53:21,426][INFO ][plugins ] [Black Jack Tarr] loaded []
[09:53:22,714][INFO ][node ] [Black Jack Tarr] {elasticsearch/0.9.0}[8936]: initialized
[09:53:22,714][INFO ][node ] [Black Jack Tarr] {elasticsearch/0.9.0}[8936]: starting ...
[09:53:22,825][INFO ][transport ] [Black Jack Tarr] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9300]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[09:53:25,865][INFO ][cluster.service ] [Black Jack Tarr] new_master [Black Jack Tarr][e905d29e-2c16-4e24-84e8-05c6df20ee58][inet[/]], reason: zen-disco-join (elected_as_master)
[09:53:25,902][INFO ][discovery ] [Black Jack Tarr] elasticsearch/e905d29e-2c16-4e24-84e8-05c6df20ee58
[09:53:25,903][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] reading state from gateway none ...
[09:53:25,903][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] read state from gateway none, took 0s
[09:53:25,903][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] no state read from gateway
[09:53:25,904][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:53:25,905][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s
[09:53:25,908][INFO ][http ] [Black Jack Tarr] bound_address {inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[09:53:26,191][INFO ][jmx ] [Black Jack Tarr] bound_address {service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://:9400/jmxrmi}, publish_address {service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://}
[09:53:26,192][INFO ][node ] [Black Jack Tarr] {elasticsearch/0.9.0}[8936]: started
[09:56:12,813][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare] creating index, cause [auto(index api)], shards [5]/[1], mappings []
[09:56:13,140][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:56:13,140][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s
[09:56:13,238][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][0] starting recovery from none ...
[09:56:13,288][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][1] starting recovery from none ...
[09:56:13,290][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][0] recovery completed from none, took [51ms], throttling_wait [0s]
index : recovered_files [0] with total_size [0b], took [0s], throttling_wait [0s]
: reusing_files [0] with total_size [0b]
translog : number_of_operations [0], took [0s]
[09:56:13,291][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][1] recovery completed from none, took [3ms], throttling_wait [0s]
index : recovered_files [0] with total_size [0b], took [0s], throttling_wait [0s]
: reusing_files [0] with total_size [0b]
translog : number_of_operations [0], took [0s]
[09:56:13,304][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][2] starting recovery from none ...
[09:56:13,306][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][2] recovery completed from none, took [2ms], throttling_wait [0s]
index : recovered_files [0] with total_size [0b], took [0s], throttling_wait [0s]
: reusing_files [0] with total_size [0b]
translog : number_of_operations [0], took [0s]
[09:56:13,318][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][3] starting recovery from none ...
[09:56:13,321][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][3] recovery completed from none, took [2ms], throttling_wait [0s]
index : recovered_files [0] with total_size [0b], took [0s], throttling_wait [0s]
: reusing_files [0] with total_size [0b]
translog : number_of_operations [0], took [0s]
[09:56:13,334][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][4] starting recovery from none ...
[09:56:13,338][DEBUG][index.gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare][4] recovery completed from none, took [4ms], throttling_wait [0s]
index : recovered_files [0] with total_size [0b], took [0s], throttling_wait [0s]
: reusing_files [0] with total_size [0b]
translog : number_of_operations [0], took [0s]
[09:56:13,452][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare] update_mapping [foo] (dynamic)
[09:56:13,452][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:56:13,452][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s
[09:56:34,455][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare] create_mapping [exampletype]
[09:56:34,461][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:56:34,461][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s
[09:58:59,178][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare] update_mapping [exampletype] (dynamic)
[09:58:59,179][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:58:59,179][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s
[09:58:59,199][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare] update_mapping [exampletype] (dynamic)
[09:58:59,200][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:58:59,200][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s
[09:59:00,237][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare] update_mapping [exampletype] (dynamic)
[09:59:00,237][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:59:00,237][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s
[09:59:06,395][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare] update_mapping [exampletype] (dynamic)
[09:59:06,395][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:59:06,396][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s
[09:59:08,296][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Black Jack Tarr] [biocompare] update_mapping [exampletype] (dynamic)
[09:59:08,297][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] writing to gateway none ...
[09:59:08,297][DEBUG][gateway ] [Black Jack Tarr] wrote to gateway none, took 0s