Access nested fields with wildcards?

I'm using the XML filter to parse an XML log, targeting "doc":

        source => "message"
        target => "doc"

But I have some numeric fields that come through as Strings. They are not in quotes in the XML so this may be a bug. Anyway, I'm using a mutate filter to convert them to integers:
add_field => { "file_size" => "%{[doc][Event][0][Copy][0][Source][0][File][0][Size][0]}" }
convert => { "file_size" => "integer" }

My problem is the XMLs can vary widely; it could be a Move or a Delete or a Rename, etc., and there could be multiple files, i.e. I could be looking at:

Can I reference the nested fields using wildcards? Something like:

Any ideas appreciated.

But I have some numeric fields that come through as Strings. They are not in quotes in the XML so this may be a bug.

No, that's the intended behavior. No XML content is parsed as integers or any other data type.

Can I reference the nested fields using wildcards?

Nope. You'd have to implement that yourself using a ruby filter.

Ok, thanks Magnus.