Accessing a custom vector map from Kibana's connection and not through browser

Hi Kibana users

I have the following setup:

I can access Kibana within my LAN at a.b.c.d:5601 from my IP at x.y.z.q. I have a custom geojson vector map hosted as CORS enabled at the same server a.b.c.d using superstatic.

Now, my problem is that I cannot access this vector file within Kibana (from the console it says refused to connect). However, if instead I access Kibana from the machine hosting ES (a.b.c.d), then I can access my geojson vector file as expected as a region map in Kibana.

Is it possible to force Kibana to load the geojson file through its own IP a.b.c.d? If I understand correctly, the problem is that a.b.c.d is not accessible from x.y.z.q due to the LAN configuration. (I can't for example load a.b.c.d/test.geojson from x.y.z.q, but I can access it from the host server). And then the problem is that my browser tries to load the vector map from my connection rather than Kibana in the host machine loading it through that connection.

Alternatively, what should also work is if it is possible for Kibana to load the file from a directory within the server, but I have not seen this possibility in the documentation.

Alright, so this does not answer the original question, but it does solve the problem if one has sudo access on the server at a.b.c.d, and the server is running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.

Run this in the terminal:

sudo iptables -S

There should be some output relating to the ports for Kibana and ES (5601 and 9200). Copy this and change to the port at which superstatic is hosting the files (default is 3474) and prepend the string with "sudo iptables" so that the commands would be in my case:

sudo iptables -A ufw-user-input -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3474 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A ufw-user-input -p udp -m udp --dport 3474 -j ACCEPT

This allows connection to the .geojson files.

The original question then remains: is it possible to configure Kibana so that it accessed files through its own internet connection?

Hey there, thank you for sharing your solution! I just checked with an engineer on our visualizations team and I have an answer for you. Unfortunately, you can't configure Kibana to do any proxying for you. It seems like you're already following the recommended solution, which is to set up your own proxy/tile server. Does this help?



I think that yes, I should be able to achieve what I need to by following that strategy. Thanks for the reply.


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