ActionNotFoundTransportException[No handler for action [indices:admin/exists]

While checking index is exists are not i am getting below error :

ClusterConnectionManager:225 - transport connection to [{lutw}{Bz3WvABkSsuCLyVoF3kDsg}{exNsn6r4TFGF4KrMm4aduw}{}{}{cdfhilmrstw}] closed by remote
Exception in thread "main" ActionNotFoundTransportException[No handler for action [indices:admin/exists]]

Below code:

final IndicesExistsResponse ieResponse = client
.prepareExists( indexName )
.get( TimeValue.timeValueSeconds( 1000000 ) );

I think this means you're using the v7 transport client with a v8 cluster. The transport client is deprecated in v7 and removed in v8 so I would not expect this to work.

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