Add An archived Flat File


Is there a way in which to view archived files in elastic search from a month ago?


How did you archive them?

They were archived after 2 weeks and involves minio.

So what I want to do is be able to replay them as and when I want.


Sounds like similar to:


Yes, thats the same issue but started this one after thinking about what I was trying to achieve.

It could be replayed in Logstash -> elasticsearch

Or as suggested above directly in elasticsearch.

Apologies if I shouldn't have duplicated the issue.

How was the data archived in Minio?

It was archived using minio running via docker.

It is a flat file and is json format once you look at it.

Please note that logstash is running as a container via docker.

I don't understand so I don't know.
You did not share what exactly has been stored in Minio. What the files look like...

May be have a look at the s3 input plugin of logstash.

So I believe you can use filebeat to stream all lines and use the json option. See

If you have any further question on this, please open a new question in #beats:filebeat

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