Add custom information to Error Context

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Chrome 79.0.3945.117
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download page and local setup
Fresh install or upgraded from other version?

I have own, custom code that handle Webservice calls. This code use HttpUrlConnection to call and received information. I need to create own plugin which will catch exception and store some custom data in Error Context. I don't want to store this information on Span or Transaction.
I would like to set information like on screen:

My POC code:

public class PayloadGeneratorInstrumentationAdvice {
    public static final String EXTERNAL_TYPE = "http";
    public static final String HTTP_SUBTYPE = "ws";
    public static final String ACTION = "payload-catch";

    public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PayloadGeneratorInstrumentationAdvice.class);

    public static ElasticApmTracer tracer;

    public static void init(ElasticApmTracer tracer) {
        PayloadGeneratorInstrumentationAdvice.tracer = tracer;

    @Advice.OnMethodEnter(suppress = Throwable.class)
    public static void onBeforeExecute(@Advice.This PayloadGenerator payloadGenerator,
                                       @Advice.Argument(value = 0) long timeout,
                                       @Advice.Argument(value = 1) TimeUnit unit,
                                       @Advice.Local("span") @Nullable Span span) {
        if (tracer == null || tracer.getActive() == null) {
            LOG.debug("Tracer is null do nothing");
        final AbstractSpan<?> parent = tracer.getActive();

        LOG.error("parent is = "+parent.getNameAsString());

        span = parent.createExitSpan();
        if (span != null) {

    @Advice.OnMethodExit(suppress = Throwable.class, onThrowable = Throwable.class)
    public static void onAfterExecute(@Advice.This PayloadGenerator PayloadGenerator,
                                      @Advice.Return @Nullable Object returnValue,
                                      @Advice.Local("span") @Nullable Span span,
                                      @Advice.Thrown @Nullable Throwable t) {
        if (tracer == null || tracer.getActive() == null) {
            LOG.debug("Tracer is null do nothing");
        try {
            if(span != null && t!= null) {
                ErrorCapture errorCapture = tracer.captureException(t, span , null);
                errorCapture.getContext().getRequest().setRawBody("moje setRawBody");
                errorCapture.getContext().getRequest().addHeader("moj-example", "on header");
                errorCapture.getContext().getMessage().appendToBody("appendToBody on message");
                errorCapture.getContext().addLabel("http.payload2", "my addLabel");
                errorCapture.getContext().addCustom("http.payload-custom2", "my addCustom");

                span.getContext().addLabel("myOnSPan","moj na spanie");
                LOG.debug("Span name= "+span.getNameAsString() + "My new Creating Error with ID = "+errorCapture.getTraceContext().getId() + " getTransactionId = " +errorCapture.getTraceContext().getTransactionId());
        } finally {

In log I see:

ERROR - Span name= GenerateAndSendWebserviceCallMy new Creating Error with ID = 9252f52ac388588b2e2f75ec5454dae1 getTransactionId = dc5260d6542883dd

In kibana I can see this transaction

On top I get information about 2 errors, but on timeline I see only 1 error

Full stack look like:

Full view show 3 errors.

  1. Post#FromGUI - transaction start when user hit button
  2. MyApi#MyApiMethod - other custom plugin "MyTransactionHelper" that catch API service name and method. Create child transaction.
  3. GenerateAndSendWebserviceCall - my plugin

On this view there is no info about my error. When I click to error I get information about other error (I think error from "Post#FromGUI")

From LOG I get my error ID and search in Kibana. Search by " : 9252f52ac388588b2e2f75ec5454dae1" show:

It look like my error was registered not on my SPAN, but on main transaction (POST#FromGUI) and then override by other captureException.
From debug I know that span when I call captureException is "GenerateAndSendWebserviceCall"

 ErrorCapture errorCapture = tracer.captureException(t, span , null);

Full log is very long and include sensitive data. I Include part of logs that can be helpfull.

DEBUG - Transaction started
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - increment references to '' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) (1)
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.ElasticApmTracer - startTransaction '' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) {
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.ElasticApmTracer - Activating '' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) on thread 31020
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - increment references to '' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) (2)
DEBUG - Set name  to transaction fb2183e4bd728235
DEBUG - Transaction fb2183e4bd728235 with name MyAPI#MyApiMethod 
DEBUG - Transaction fb2183e4bd728235 with type my-ws-consumer
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.Span - startSpan '' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-a900ba119ac5cf0c-01 (5b55dd78) {
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - increment references to 'MyAPI#MyApiMethod ' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) (3)
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - increment references to '' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-a900ba119ac5cf0c-01 (5b55dd78) (1)
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - increment references to 'MyAPI#MyApiMethod ' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) (4)
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.ElasticApmTracer - Activating 'GenerateAndSendWebserviceCall' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-a900ba119ac5cf0c-01 (5b55dd78) on thread 31020
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - increment references to 'MyAPI#MyApiMethod ' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) (5)
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - increment references to 'GenerateAndSendWebserviceCall' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-a900ba119ac5cf0c-01 (5b55dd78) (2)
DEBUG  - Span name= GenerateAndSendWebserviceCallMy new Creating Error with ID = 9252f52ac388588b2e2f75ec5454dae1 getTransactionId = dc5260d6542883dd
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.ElasticApmTracer - Deactivating 'GenerateAndSendWebserviceCall' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-a900ba119ac5cf0c-01 (5b55dd78) on thread 31020
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - decrement references to 'MyAPI#MyApiMethod ' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) (4)
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - decrement references to 'GenerateAndSendWebserviceCall' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-a900ba119ac5cf0c-01 (5b55dd78) (1)
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.Span - endSpan 'GenerateAndSendWebserviceCall' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-a900ba119ac5cf0c-01 (5b55dd78)
DEBUG co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.transaction.AbstractSpan - decrement references to 'MyAPI#MyApiMethod ' 00-6fce4983d1b5e174632010a42d320cac-fb2183e4bd728235-01 (7008d536) (3)
DEBUG - Capture exception java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: Moj blad!

Thank for any help.

Hi and welcome to the forum!

Regarding this part:

Why does it create a child transaction and not a child span? Looks like this happens on the same service before making the remote call, where there is already an active transaction on that thread. If that is the case, try creating a child span instead. A transaction is the root span of the stack on a given service.

If that doesn't change things, try debugging the agent APIs you are using, for example - captureException(), and see if what you expect actually happens.

Eyan thank you. I remove nested transaction and problem still occurs.
I notice that when I go to errors list I see something like that:

Error with message "java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: Moj blad!" has 2 Occurrences.
Same Throwable object are registered twice during instrumentation by different plugins (some time more). In my situation Throwable are registered by my plugin in code
ErrorCapture errorCapture = tracer.captureException(t, span , null);

After that is registered second time by logging plugin from package"co.elastic.apm.agent.error.logging.*".
co.elastic.apm.agent.error.logging.Slf4jLoggingInstrumentation or co.elastic.apm.agent.error.logging.Log4jLoggingInstrumentation.

Transaction timeline show metadata error from logging instrumentation. In kibana I can't find way to show my error details. When I click on message I see information from single error.

Do you have any suggestion thow to get to my error or how to register error to make it visible on timeline?

Whenever an Exception is thrown out of the context that creates a span, an error is created. So, if your plugin captures the error at the exit of the traced method and it is thrown up until caught and logged, then a second error will be created when it is logged. If this is a problem for you, you can either not capture the error within your plugin and rely on the logging instrumentation, or you can set disable_instrumentations=logging, but you will lose this capability entirely.

Transaction timeline show metadata error from logging instrumentation. In kibana I can't find way to show my error details. When I click on message I see information from single error.

Do you see the plugin-originated span from which you captured the exception in the timeline but not the error? My advice is to look for the specific error document, find it's parent span ID, then look for the document of this span and verify you can see this span on a timeline, but not the related error.
Maybe change to using the span.captureException(), instead of trace.captureException(), to make sure you capture the error with the right parent.
If you can verify you see a trace with a span that is a parent of a reported error that is not shown, please provide the documents so we can look further why that is.

Eyal than for help.
Problem is simple. Kibana GUI show same error occure on timeline in different time. When Agent log same "Throwable" many times in different time GUI always show only last occurence.

Example, both error occure in different time. Kibana timeline includes execution time but when you go to details show last occure. Problem could be solved just by adding to link/filter on click :smile:

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