Add IdentityServer4 for authentication

Hi pals,
I am going to add IdentityServer4 to make the authentication for the Kibana (version 6.5.4) server (http://localhost:5601). I did not find any tutorials regarding the issue on the Net.

Could you please help me with the issue?



Is this identityserver4? How are you planning to use it?

Dear Ioannis,

Yes, it is the IdentityServer4. I have set the kibana.yml as

searchguard.auth.type: "openid"
searchguard.openid.connect_url: "http://someserver/.well-known/openid-configuration"
searchguard.openid.client_id: "elastic-clinetid"
searchguard.openid.client_secret: "elk-secret"
searchguard.openid.scope: "profile openid"

With such configuration, I can login through the identityserver, but the problem is that I receive the error "Authentication failed. Please provide a new token." in Kibana. How can I solve this? It seems the users and roles are not yet inserted into elastic. Could you please help me with the problem?

You probably need to raise this with the searchguard devs, we don't know how it interacts with the Elastic Stack.

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Thanks, I asked my question in the searchgaurd forum.

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