Adding a field from existing ones


I want to add a field composed of some other fields, like this:
suppose we have fields
"name": [
"adress": [

I want to add a field like that:
"person" : [
{"name": "XX"

I've trayed that filter:
mutate {
add_field => {"person"=> [" "name":"%{name}",{"adress":"%{adress}"} "]}

it doesn't work because it's not correct !

Thank you for your help.

The syntax is incorrect. Try the following:

mutate {
add_field => {"person"=> ["%{name}","%{adress}"]}

Hello, thank you for the help. I've trayed this but it doesn't give the result I need.
I want to create a complex object like this:

"person" : [
{ "name" : "John",
"adress" : "Doe"

                 { "name" : "Mary",  
                   "adress"  : "Smith"


Is there any help please.

Please provide your information in a structured manner as I'm a bit confused.
Let me know if this is what you mean.

  1. I have a data file with the following data

Mary Smith
John Lee

  1. Trying to Import this thru Logstash and currently have the data structured as
"name" : "Mary"
"adress" "Smith"
  1. While Importing the data I would like to add a person object that contains the data structure above.
"person" : [ 
{ "name" : "Mary",
"adress" : "Smith"

Yes, suppose we have created fields from an input file:

"name":"Mary" and "adress":"Smith"

I want to create a third field person which is composed of name and adress fields.

"person" : [
{ "name" : "Mary",
"adress" : "Smith"

There is an easier way. You can create the person object with the name and adress in one step. I would recommend doing that instead of creating them in two separate steps.

grok {
    match => [ "message", "%{WORD:[person][name]} %{WORD:[person][adres]}" ]
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as result of this filter:

"person": {
"name" : "Mary",
"adress" : "Smith"

I want person be a list:

"person": [{
"name" : "Mary",
"adress" : "Smith"
{"name" : "XX",
"adress" : "154"}]

My grok filter will create a person array list.

If you have Mary Smith and John Smith it will look like

"person": [{
"name" : "Mary",
"adress" : "Smith"
{"name" : "John",
"adress" : "Smith"}]
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