Hello, I am quite new to Elasticsearch and having trouble adding nodes to my single node cluster. All nodes are on their own servers. Most responses on this subject are several years old. So Im asking again.
My first node was downloaded using the tar.gz.
I referenced Add and remove nodes in your cluster | Elasticsearch Guide [8.17] | Elastic
I configured the elasticsearch.yml thusly:
cluster-name: my-application
node.name: <hostname>
discovery.seed_hosts:[ "<hostname-1>","<hostname-2>","<hostname-3>"]
I ran bin/elastisearch
The security auto configuration was generated once I started the single node cluster. I can list those configs if needed later.
I generated an enrollment token
On my second machine(aka second node), I ran
bin\elasticsearch --enrollment-token <enrollment-token>
The second node does not start instead it reports
ERROR:Skipping security auto configurationbecause, this node is confiugred to bootstrap or to join a multi-node cluster, which is not supported., with exit code 80
I made no changes to the 2nd nodes yaml as the instructions did not say to do so. I obvously did not follow the process correctly and would appreciate any insights.
kind regards.