Adding millions of documents, performance decay.
I'm new to ElasticSearch and I'm trying to transfer a database of several
millions of JSON documents to a Lucene index through ES. Currently we can
use just a single node with 8 CPUs and we use the Java API to add
sequentially each document. We didn't changed the default options,
therefore our index has 5 shards. At the beginning the process was very
fast! In a few our we added about 50 millions of documents, then the
performance gradually fell and currently it can take seconds to add a
single document. Query performance are still very good!
There is a way to overtake this situation? Maybe changing the setting or
the number of shards...
Thank you very much, Fabio.
Here some node stats:
HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM","vm_version":"20.9-b04","vm_vendor":"Sun
Index stats: