Adjust internal queue size

We faced an issue with queue full. How I could configure on Elasti Cloud Deployment setup?

You need to set in APM server config file. May i know which Elastic version you using?

I see 8.13 version on elastic cloud console.
Deployed from Azure via ELK integration

Well in that case as mentioned here -

APM Server does not have an internal queue to buffer requests, but instead leverages an HTTP request timeout to act as back-pressure

Some agents have internal queues or buffers that will temporarily store data if the APM Server goes down.

Thank you for response! So, if I understand you correctly, in latest version we dont have such config option ( Could you advice any best practise configs that I could use in my ELK setup for APM server?

I added more resource on ELK to fix this error on my otel-collectors side: "The error is not retryable. Dropping data. {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "otlp", "error": "Permanent error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = sending queue is full", "dropped_items": 1}"