Adjusting Enterprise App Search UI to display Highlighted Results


So I have a situation where I configure my zip file App Search Code to display in tabular format.

It works, however, I've got problem in highlighting the words section as it will highlighted the results in itallic format.

I would like to display it back in highlighted manner but couldn't find a way how.

I didn't get solution from my previous post, thus I'm creating new one.

Currently it will highlighted the results in itallic format as below image.
This happened after I apply the dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute to render the markup as suggested from my previous post.

The one that I would like to display is going to look like below image, which is the default highlighted results.

Thank you.

Hey there,

Keywords that are highlighted in the response will be wrapped in an em html element. You will need to style the table and values accordingly with css.

Search UI doesn't provide "out the box" styling for tables and highlights so by default its shown how the browser renders em elements (which is shown in italic).

I suggest read up on how to style with css so that you can apply styling to the table and to the highlighted elements.


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