Advanced "MoreLikeThat" question

Lets assume, I have a database of movies (like IMDB), where each movie document has properties: "Title", "Description" and "Category" (e.g. "action", "horror", etc)

When user selects some movie to read about, in addition to showing description of selected movie I need to show him another 5 "recommended movies" (only titles and categories).

Each "Recommended Movie" has to be:

  1. with similar title
  2. belongs to other category than selected movie
  3. each one has different category

For example, if user selected "comedy", I want to recommend him movies from another categories, but each recommended movie has to be from another category.

I suspect that I have to use "MoreLikeThat" query to get similar movies, but how I query movies that belongs to other category that selected movie and each movie from different category?


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