Advice Needed on Beats

Good evening,

I'm looking for a little advice on the best way to get streaming api's information into log-stash for real time analysis. Currently I'm looking for a facebook, google, and hootsuite. I've managed to get twitter however it seems that I'm ending up with a lot of open objects in the recieved data, and I have not received any geo points yet. Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated. Also allow me to thank you in advance. I should also add that I'm currently using version 5.2

What beat are you using?

currently I am not using any beats, was looking at an http beat but currently doesn't have support for version 5.2. So was hoping that the community could give me some guidance on the best practices for achieving the live streaming off the different api's

Ah ok :slight_smile:
Best option is to use the http_poller input for Logstash.

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awesome, thanks for the info let me look into the documentation and see what I can work up.