After creating API key attempting to use it results in: missing authentication credentials for REST request

Hope someone can help here

i'm attempting to create api keys for a user and utilize them as documented here:

i have successfully created the api key however when i attempt to curl anything as documented in the elastic search docs i.e.:

curl -k https://<censored>:9200/_cluster/health -H 'Authorization: ApiKey <censored>='

i am greeted with the following response:

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"security_exception","reason":"missing authentication credentials for REST request [/_cluster/health]","header":{"WWW-Authenticate":["Bearer realm=\"security\"","ApiKey","Basic realm=\"security\" charset=\"UTF-8\""]}}],"type":"security_exception","reason":"missing authentication credentials for REST request [/_cluster/health]","header":{"WWW-Authenticate":["Bearer realm=\"security\"","ApiKey","Basic realm=\"security\" charset=\"UTF-8\""]}},"status":401}

I'm not sure why it would complain here given that i have apparently valid api token.

After doing some more digging i've noticed that i'm getting an invalid credentials error logged from elastic-search - the credentials are in fact correct and were pulled from the response using the following:

echo $(cat response | jq -r .id):$(cat response | jq -r .api_key) | base64

Incidentally if i intentionally use the wrong key id (in this case by including quotes) the following is logged

Authentication using apikey failed - unable to find apikey with id "fufe928Bnl45U--l7GCn"

so seemingly elasticsearch is finding the key but failing to grant access for other reasons

Which version is this on @scarby , is this reproducible with other API keys too ?

@ikakavas 7.5.0 - deployed using the kubernetes operator

and yes, i am not able to auth using any api key i have created. I have tried multiple - both with and without roledefinitions explicitly specified


@scarby your echo needs the -n flag, otherwise it adds a newline to the string to be base64 encoded and the produced API Key is wrong.

i.e. , assuming you have a response like



echo $(cat response | jq -r .id):$(cat response | jq -r .api_key) | base64

gives you



echo -n $(cat response | jq -r .id):$(cat response | jq -r .api_key) | base64

gives you


The latter is the ApiKey value you want and decodes to:

$ echo "dWdnWUNuQUJNVjk5MHNoaVJHdHM6Zzh4Mkh5d0JTMmlTMWpibUp2NHBOdw==" | base64 -d | cat -vE


while the former decodes to

$ echo "dWdnWUNuQUJNVjk5MHNoaVJHdHM6Zzh4Mkh5d0JTMmlTMWpibUp2NHBOdwo=" | base64 -d | cat -vE


(mind the trailing $)


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