Aggregate min geo distance from a collection of location properties

Is there a way to promote a min geo distance to the root?

I have a location property of type object that contains a geo_point and
there is often multiple locations per root object.



I have tried a variety of things within the script fields tag.
Initially, i was not using the nested type and was expecting an array of
doc.location.facility.geo to exist but that was never the case. It was
always a single org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.geo.GeoPointDocFieldData
object. I then switched to nested in hopes of being able to access the
array of locations that i could then traverse to locate the min geo

I see that there is more sophisticated aggregate support coming in 1.0, but
in the current release is there any way other than a script field to do

initially attempted with mapping of type 'object'. I was expecting that i
would get an array of geopointdocfields.... i dont get an array however

        "script": "c=doc['location.facility.geo'].empty ? null : 

doc['location.facility.geo']; nearest_distance=java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE;
if(c!=null){for(cur : c) {dist=cur.distance(lat, lon); if(dist <
nearest_distance){ nearest_distance = dist}}}}; nearest_distance"

tried this approach with nested type on both location and facility (as
shown in the above mapping). I also was experimenting with include_in_root
for geo.
"script": " c=doc[\u0027location\u0027].empty ? null:
doc[\u0027location\u0027]; nearest_distance=java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE;
if(c!=null){for(cur : c)
lon); if(dist < nearest_distance){ nearest_distance = dist}}}};

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