October 3, 2024, 4:24am
Hi there,
I am looking for equivalent JAVA API query built using co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.core.SearchRequest.
Here are the documents
"lender_id": 27,
"orig_date": "2014-02-23",
"id": "1227-1",
"status": 3,
"lender_id": 27,
"orig_date": "2014-02-23",
"id": "1227-2",
"status": 3,
"lender_id": 27,
"orig_date": "2014-02-23",
"id": "1227-3",
"status": 4,
SQL Query
count(*) as count,
ROUND( AVG( CAST( DATEDIFF(month, OrigDate, GETDATE()) as FLOAT) ), 0) as NoteAge,
Principal = ISNULL(SUM(Principal), 0.00)
FROM mytable
WHERE LenderID = 27 and status = 3;
I am looking for Elastic JAVA API query to achieve the same.
(Laura Trotta)
October 3, 2024, 8:10am
Hello, this is a translation of the query that @RabBit_BR provided in the previous thread .
esClient.search(s -> s
.aggregations("group_by_summaryGroup", a -> a
.terms(t -> t
.aggregations(Map.of("interest_paid_sum", Aggregation.of(ag -> ag
.sum(su -> su
)),"outstanding_principal_sum", Aggregation.of(agg -> agg
.sum(su -> su
)),"principal_repaid_sum", Aggregation.of(aggr -> aggr
.sum(su -> su
)),"invested_sum", Aggregation.of(aggre -> aggre
.sum(su -> su
)),"note_count", Aggregation.of(aggreg -> aggreg
.valueCount(v -> v
.query(q -> q
.bool(b -> b
.filter(List.of(Query.of(qu -> qu
.term(t -> t
)),Query.of(que -> que
.term(t -> t