Aggregation by date


I'm looking for bucket aggregation that can be applied on date time values, so I can create buckets on date field where the time between each two results is less than an hour.

For example, if I have the following:
"key_as_string": 2015-10-06T10:05:00.000Z
"key_as_string": 2015-10-06T10:55:00.000Z
"key_as_string": 2015-10-06T11:15:00.000Z
"key_as_string": 2015-10-06T12:25:00.000Z

I expect to get 2 buckets:

The first bucket will include 3 results:

The second bucket will include 1 result:

I tried the date histogram aggregation but using the hour interval creates an extra bucket for the result in 11:15 , and that’s not what I need.

Any ideas how this can be done?


I don't think you can do this with aggs, because as you found out, it does it based on the hour and not a range.
I'm not sure what else you could do though sorry, someone else might have an idea.