Aggregation returns buckets with values even when hits count is zero? Bug?

I have a range aggregation over a query, the query returns zero hits, but the aggregation returns some of the buckets with values, looks to me like a Bug, not sure if this is expected behavior, I think it should not and if it is it results highly confusing and woulod appreciate help on clarifying why the behavior.

The range aggregation as follows:

"aggs": {
"sender_agg": {
  "range": {
    "field": "ownerId",
    "ranges": [
        "to": 140,
        "key": "others-1"
        "from": 140,
        "to": 141,
        "key": "140"
        "from": 141,
        "to": 145,
        "key": "others-2"
        "from": 145,
        "to": 146,
        "key": "145"
        "from": 146,
        "key": "others-3"
"score_agg": {
  "stats": {
    "script": "_score"


and the response is:

"took": 16,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
    "total": 1,
    "successful": 1,
    "failed": 0
**"hits": {**
    **"total": 0,**
    **"max_score": null,**
    **"hits": []**
"aggregations": {
    "sender_agg": {
        "buckets": [
                **"key": "others-1",**
                **"to": 140,**
                **"to_as_string": "140.0",**
                **"doc_count": 1**
                **"key": "140",**
                **"from": 140,**
                **"from_as_string": "140.0",**
                **"to": 141,**
                **"to_as_string": "141.0",**
                **"doc_count": 1**
                **"key": "others-2",**
                **"from": 141,**
                **"from_as_string": "141.0",**
                **"to": 145,**
                **"to_as_string": "145.0",**
                **"doc_count": 2**
                "key": "145",
                "from": 145,
                "from_as_string": "145.0",
                "to": 146,
                "to_as_string": "146.0",
                "doc_count": 0
                "key": "others-3",
                "from": 146,
                "from_as_string": "146.0",
                "doc_count": 0
    "score_agg": {
        "count": 4,
        "min": 1,
        "max": 1,
        "avg": 1,
        "sum": 4

