Aggregations: combining children, nested and filter - filter not working properly


I am experiencing strange behavior when using aggregations combining children, nested, and filter aggs (with a range filter).

It looks like children aggregation is somehow affecting the range filter - it either returns count of all nested docs of a child document or none.

PUT /nestingtest/
  "mappings": {
    "teams": {
      properties: {
        name: {
          type: "string",
          index: "not_analyzed",
          doc_values: true
    "tasks": {
        _parent: { type: "teams" },
      properties: {
        task_id: {
          type: "long",
          doc_values: true
        started_at: {
          type: "object",
          properties: {
            raw: {
              type: "date",
              doc_values: true
            year: {
              type: "short",
              doc_values: true
            month: {
              type: "short",
              doc_values: true
            day: {
              type: "short",
              doc_values: true
            hour: {
              type: "short",
              doc_values: true
            minute: {
              type: "short",
              doc_values: true
            wday: {
              type: "short",
              doc_values: true
        events: {
          type: "nested",
          properties: {
            id: {
              type: "long",
              doc_values: true
            happened_at: {
              type: "object",
              properties: {
                raw: {
                  type: "date",
                  doc_values: true
                year: {
                  type: "short",
                  doc_values: true
                month: {
                  type: "short",
                  doc_values: true
                day: {
                  type: "short",
                  doc_values: true
                hour: {
                  type: "short",
                  doc_values: true
                minute: {
                  type: "short",
                  doc_values: true
                wday: {
                  type: "short",
                  doc_values: true


POST /nestingtest/teams/1
{ name: "team-A"}

POST /nestingtest/tasks/1?parent=1
  _parent: 1,
  task_id: 1,
  started_at: {
    raw: "2015-05-27T13:05",
    year: 2015,
    month: 5,
    day: 27,
    hour: 13,
    minute: 5,
    dow: 3
  events: [
      id: 1,
      happened_at: {
        raw: "2015-05-27T13:10",
        year: 2015,
        month: 5,
        day: 27,
        hour: 13,
        minute: 10,
        dow: 3

POST /nestingtest/tasks/2?parent=1
  _parent: 1,
  task_id: 2,
  started_at: {
    raw: "2015-05-27T16:05",
    year: 2015,
    month: 5,
    day: 27,
    hour: 16,
    minute: 5,
    dow: 3
  events: [
      id: 21,
      happened_at: {
        raw: "2015-05-27T16:10",
        year: 2015,
        month: 5,
        day: 27,
        hour: 16,
        minute: 10,
        dow: 3
      id: 22,
      happened_at: {
        raw: "2015-05-27T17:10",
        year: 2015,
        month: 5,
        day: 27,
        hour: 17,
        minute: 10,
        dow: 3

This one, querying for parent documents is the one which behaves strangely:

POST /nestingtest/teams/_search?pretty
  aggs: {
    "to-tasks": {
      children: {
        type: "tasks"
      aggs: {
        "to-events": {
          nested: {
            path: ""
          aggs: {
            filtered: {
              filter: {
                range: {
                  "events.happened_at.hour": {
                    gt: 15

This one queries directly children type (i.e., not using children aggregation) and is working as expected. However, I would prefer to query for parent type, as I want to combine other criteria into query.

 POST /nestingtest/tasks/_search?pretty
  aggs: {
    "to-events": {
      nested: {
        path: "events"
      aggs: {
        filtered: {
          filter: {
            range: {
              "events.happened_at.hour": {
                gt: 15