We're currently using aliases as a filter on our main index. This works a
Through our api we provide our end users with a list of available facets by
doing a faceted search with a match_all.
Is there a nicer way of doing this?
Essentially what I'd like to do is alias a type.
For example aliasing the following:
We're currently using aliases as a filter on our main index. This
works a treat. Through our api we provide our end users with a
list of available facets by doing a faceted search with a
match_all. Is there a nicer way of doing this?
Essentially what I'd like to do is alias a type. For example
aliasing the following:
Aliases only operate at the index position of the URI. You could
write a plugin to register a GET handler for /:index/:type, which is
currently unused, to accomplish this.
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