All Elasticsearch requests timing out

I'm trying to use the Python API to add documents to my local Elasticsearch node. However, every call to es.index(...) is throwing a elastic_transport.ConnectionTimeout error even though I have timeout=60s.

My logs have a lot of entries like:

[2024-08-23T22:01:29,140][INFO ][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [localhost]"RED" message="Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [RED] (reason: [reconcile-desired-balance]).""YELLOW" reason="reconcile-desired-balance"
[2024-08-23T22:01:46,081][WARN ][o.e.c.r.a.DiskThresholdMonitor] [localhost] high disk watermark [90%] exceeded on [mkJSQDetRpWzRxhIyZHrGA][localhost][/var/lib/elasticsearch] free: 58.3gb[6.5%], shards will be relocated away from this node; currently relocating away shards totalling [0] bytes; the node is expected to continue to exceed the high disk watermark when these relocations are complete
[2024-08-23T22:02:46,085][WARN ][o.e.c.r.a.DiskThresholdMonitor] [localhost] high disk watermark [90%] exceeded on [mkJSQDetRpWzRxhIyZHrGA][localhost][/var/lib/elasticsearch] free: 58.3gb[6.5%], shards will be relocated away from this node; currently relocating away shards totalling [0] bytes; the node is expected to continue to exceed the high disk watermark when these relocations are complete
[2024-08-23T22:03:46,088][WARN ][o.e.c.r.a.DiskThresholdMonitor] [localhost] high disk watermark [90%] exceeded on [mkJSQDetRpWzRxhIyZHrGA][localhost][/var/lib/elasticsearch] free: 58.3gb[6.5%

Would this be the cause? And if so, how would I fix this?

I'm assuming this is related to my disk being quite full, at around 94% usage. But I still have 63G full, which should be more than enough to play around with a toy install of Elasticsearch.


Correct , you need to review the FileSystem.
