All my documents disappeared. What happened?

Hello, everyone.

I'm running a single index on a 1-shard, 1-node index on Windows
2008. The index is named "vrs" and it holds a mapping for one
document type called "listing".

I've been feeding roughly 100,000 documents into the index over the
last few days with a Windows service that I wrote in C#. I'm using
the excellent NEST library to interface with my ES instance.

I woke up this morning to discover that all of my documents had simply
vanished from my index. There was nothing there anymore. My service
doesn't have any calls that would delete the index, though it does
remove individual documents when they meet certain criteria.

The only clue I have as to what happened are these entries in the log
file from yesterday...

[2012-05-17 15:20:42,203][INFO ][org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata]
[Tutinax the Mountain-Mover] [[vrs]] remove_mapping [listing]
[2012-05-17 15:20:42,948][INFO ][org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata]
[Tutinax the Mountain-Mover] [vrs] update_mapping [listing] (dynamic)

There are tons of these that started about 15:20 yesterday. I've had
the instance up for a week and this is the first log entry besides
those at the instance startup.

Any clue what I've done wrong here? If the shard gets too big would
it simply empty itself out? If all I'm doing is adding and deleting
the same document type should this happen?

Any advice you have would be much appreciated. I'm happy to provide
any other information you might need.



It looks like you sent a command like :

curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/vrs/listing/

Instead of :

curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/vrs/listing/1

The first command delete the type and generate this log entry:

[2012-05-17 15:20:42,203][INFO ][org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata]
[Tutinax the Mountain-Mover] [[vrs]] remove_mapping [listing]

Check your code but I think that the problem occurs when you try to remove a doc.


Le 18 mai 2012 à 17:54, Jamie Gaines a écrit :

Hello, everyone.

I'm running a single index on a 1-shard, 1-node index on Windows
2008. The index is named "vrs" and it holds a mapping for one
document type called "listing".

I've been feeding roughly 100,000 documents into the index over the
last few days with a Windows service that I wrote in C#. I'm using
the excellent NEST library to interface with my ES instance.

I woke up this morning to discover that all of my documents had simply
vanished from my index. There was nothing there anymore. My service
doesn't have any calls that would delete the index, though it does
remove individual documents when they meet certain criteria.

The only clue I have as to what happened are these entries in the log
file from yesterday...

[2012-05-17 15:20:42,203][INFO ][org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata]
[Tutinax the Mountain-Mover] [[vrs]] remove_mapping [listing]
[2012-05-17 15:20:42,948][INFO ][org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata]
[Tutinax the Mountain-Mover] [vrs] update_mapping [listing] (dynamic)

There are tons of these that started about 15:20 yesterday. I've had
the instance up for a week and this is the first log entry besides
those at the instance startup.

Any clue what I've done wrong here? If the shard gets too big would
it simply empty itself out? If all I'm doing is adding and deleting
the same document type should this happen?

Any advice you have would be much appreciated. I'm happy to provide
any other information you might need.
