Alter filed in logstash filter for Metricbeat

I have configure Metricbeat and send system metric to logstash. Sample metricbeat output as below

"@timestamp" => 2018-02-01T05:36:14.330Z,
    "system" => {
    "network" => {
          "in" => {
              "bytes" => 535630,
            "dropped" => 0,
             "errors" => 0,
            "packets" => 1217
        "name" => "lo",
         "out" => {
              "bytes" => 535630,
            "dropped" => 0,
            "packets" => 1217,
             "errors" => 0
      "beat" => {
    "hostname" => "elasticsearch-two",
        "name" => "elasticsearch-two",
     "version" => "6.1.3"
  "@version" => "1",
      "host" => "elasticsearch-two",
 "metricset" => {
       "rtt" => 361,
    "module" => "system",
      "name" => "network"
      "tags" => [
    [0] "beats_input_raw_event"

In logstash I want rename filed name to my own name.
For an example

 "system" => {
    "network" => {
          "in" => {
              "bytes" => 535630,
            "dropped" => 0,
             "errors" => 0,
            "packets" => 1217

I want to rename "in" "bytes" fields as input_bytes, "in" "dropped" as input_droppped and etc.

So how can I define filter in logstash to meet my requirement

Have you looked into the mutate filter and its rename option? See for the syntax used to reference subfields.

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