AND operator in dis_max queries

Is it possible to define that the conditions in dis_max queries should use AND operator instead OR ( Elasticsearch 5.6.2) ?
For my example I want to see only the results which contains ".31319.67121." as "hierarchyPath" value AND "/quarterly-results/2016/q4/" in "indexableTaxonomyTags" value :

"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"dis_max": {
"queries": [{
"match": {
"hierarchyPath": {
"type": "phrase_prefix",
"query": ".31319.67121."
}, {
"match": {
"indexableTaxonomyTags": {
"type": "phrase_prefix",
"query": "/quarterly-results/2016/q4/"
}, {
"range": {
"startPublish": {
"lte": "2017-12-13T11:30:04.0238794+01:00"

No, in dis_max there is no way to force all subqueries to match.
Is there any particular reason you use dis_max?
Why don't put all your three clauses under a single must which will satisfy your requirement:

  "query": {
	"bool": {
		"must": [
				"match": {"hierarchyPath": {"type": "phrase_prefix", "query": ".31319.67121."}}
				"match": {"indexableTaxonomyTags": {"type": "phrase_prefix", "query": "/quarterly-results/2016/q4/"}}
	        	"range": {"startPublish": {"lte": "2017-12-13T11:30:04.0238794+01:00"}}
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You are totally right. Using the "must" works fine.
In meantime I have found another solution - just to use the filter instead

  1. "filter": [
  2.  	    {
  3.  			"prefix": {
  4.  				"hierarchyPath": {
  5.  					"value": ".31319.67121."
  6.  				}
  7.  			}
  8.  		},
  9.  		{
  10. 				"prefix": {
  11. 					"indexableTaxonomyTags": {
  12. 						"value": "/quarterly-results/2016/q4/"
  13. 					}
  14. 				}
  15. 			}
  16. ]

My main mistake was to use wrong mapping definition for this fields. Its need "analyzer": "keyword" .
Many thanks

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