[ANN] elasticsearch-mapper-attachment plugin 1.9.0


We just released Mapper Attachment plugin 1.9.0 for Elasticsearch: https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/

What's in it?
If you define a multifield mapping, it's not overwritten any more: #37
If you define a string mapping for the date field, it's not overwritten any more: #39
We upgrade to Tika 1.4: #36
New option ignore_errors to not fail when parsing document and metadata: #38 and #18
Add content_length field: #26
Fix #21: Tika may "hang up" client application

Full list is here: https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/issues?labels=1.9.0&state=closed

Thanks to all contributors and bug reporters! :smiley:

Have fun!

David Pilato | Technical Advocate | Elasticsearch.com
@dadoonet | @elasticsearchfr | @scrutmydocs

Sorry wrong link (copy and paste effect): GitHub - elastic/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments: Mapper Attachments Type plugin for Elasticsearch

Le 20 août 2013 à 19:21, David Pilato david@pilato.fr a écrit :


We just released Mapper Attachment plugin 1.9.0 for Elasticsearch: GitHub - elastic/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments: Mapper Attachments Type plugin for Elasticsearch

What's in it?
If you define a multifield mapping, it's not overwritten any more: #37
If you define a string mapping for the date field, it's not overwritten any more: #39
We upgrade to Tika 1.4: #36
New option ignore_errors to not fail when parsing document and metadata: #38 and #18
Add content_length field: #26
Fix #21: Tika may "hang up" client application

Full list is here: Issues · elastic/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments · GitHub

Thanks to all contributors and bug reporters! :smiley:

Have fun!

David Pilato | Technical Advocate | Elasticsearch.com
@dadoonet | @elasticsearchfr | @scrutmydocs