Hi all,
its just a coincidence, but I also have an announcement to make. After
having a good experience with a dedicated user group for specific
software[1], we are trying to start a dedicated user group for
ElasticSearch in Berlin. We hope that ElasticSearch is popular enough
already to get 5-10 people together to talk about our favorite search
As this is our first meeting and we don't know a lot about how the
attendees split into beginners/advanced/just interested, there won't be
much of an agenda for the first meeting. I have a bit of introductory
material about ElasticSearch around, so "no content" won't be a problem.
Also, impromptu discussions are the most fun anyways :).
If you are using ElasticSearch, considering ElasticSearch or are just
interested in having a look at it, please feel free to drop by. If you are
sure that you will come, please send me an email so that I can roughly
estimate demand.
The first meetup date is July 24th.
We want to start around 19:00.
The meetup will take place in the offices of Syseleven[2], which are
located in the Umspannwerk Berlin, Staircase D:
Any further announcements will be made on our twitter feed:
A lanyrd page is up at:
Should the gates be locked, please call Florian: +49 172 812 24 69
Florian Gilcher
[1] We also organized the Vagrant User Group.
[2] http://syseleven.de