It looks like you are configuring this as if it were filebeat but the Elastic Agent standalone configuration is different. The reference configuration for standalone agent looks like this:
# Collect custom data from REST API's: Collect custom data from REST API's
- id: generic-httpjson
type: httpjson
# Custom API Input: Collect custom data from REST API's
- id: httpjson-httpjson.generic
dataset: httpjson.generic
config_version: 2
interval: 1m
request.url: ''
request.method: GET
request.tracer.filename: ../../logs/httpjson/http-request-trace-*.ndjson
request.tracer.maxbackups: 5
- forwarded
publisher_pipeline.disable_host: true
# auth.basic.user: <USERNAME> # Basic Auth Username: The username to be used with Basic Auth headers
# auth.basic.password: <PASSWORD> # Basic Auth Password: The password to be used with Basic Auth headers
# pipeline: <PIPELINE>
# # Ingest Pipeline: The Ingest Node pipeline ID to be used by the integration.
# request.encode_as: <REQUEST_ENCODE_AS> # Request Encode As: ContentType used for encoding the request body. If set it will force the encoding in the specified format regardless of the Content-Type header value.
# request.timeout: <REQUEST_TIMEOUT> # Request Timeout: Duration before declaring that the HTTP client connection has timed out. Valid time units are ns, us, ms, s, m, h. Default is "30"s.
# request.proxy_url: <REQUEST_PROXY_URL> # Request Proxy: This specifies proxy configuration in the form of `http[s]://<user>:<password>@<server name/ip>:<port>`.
# request.retry.max_attempts: <REQUEST_RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS> # Request Retry Max Attempts: The maximum number of retries for the HTTP client. Default is "5".
# request.retry.wait_min: <REQUEST_RETRY_WAIT_MIN> # Request Retry Wait Min: The minimum time to wait before a retry is attempted. Default is "1s".
# request.retry.wait_max: <REQUEST_RETRY_WAIT_MAX> # Request Retry Wait Max: The maximum time to wait before a retry is attempted. Default is "60s".
# request.redirect.forward_headers: <REQUEST_REDIRECT_FORWARD_HEADERS> # Request Redirect Forward Headers: When set to true request headers are forwarded in case of a redirect. Default is "false".
# request.redirect.headers_ban_list:
# - <REQUEST_REDIRECT_HEADERS_BAN_LIST> # Request Redirect Headers Ban List: When Redirect Forward Headers is set to true, all headers except the ones defined in this list will be forwarded. All headers are forwarded by default.
# request.redirect.max_redirects: <REQUEST_REDIRECT_MAX_REDIRECTS> # Request Redirect Max Redirects: The maximum number of redirects to follow for a request. Default is "10".
# request.rate_limit.limit: <REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT_LIMIT> # Request Rate Limit: The value of the response that specifies the total limit. It is defined with a Go template value.
# request.rate_limit.reset: <REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT_RESET> # Request Rate Limit Reset: The value of the response that specifies the epoch time when the rate limit will reset. It is defined with a Go template value.
# request.rate_limit.remaining: <REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT_REMAINING> # Request Rate Limit Remaining: The value of the response that specifies the remaining quota of the rate limit. It is defined with a Go template value.
# response.decode_as: <RESPONSE_DECODE_AS>
# # Response decode settings: ContentType used for decoding the response body. Supported values: application/json, application/x-ndjson. By default it will use what is in the response Content-Type header.
# response.request_body_on_pagination: <RESPONSE_REQUEST_BODY_ON_PAGINATION>
# # Include request body on Pagination: If set to true, the values in request.body are sent with pagination requests.
# processors:
If you go into Fleet and make an Agent Policy with the Custom API
integration configured how you want it configured you can click Actions
-> View Policy
to view the configuration that is provided to the agent: