Api python for update with ?pipeline=opennlp-pipeline parameter

I use python library to query Elasticsearch.

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

 clearedText = "Kobe Bryant was one of the best basketball players of all times. Not even Michael Jordan has ever scored 81 points in one game. Munich is really an awesome city, but New York is as well. Yesterday has been the hottest day of the year."

 docId = "0mlxun4BYyp6RT6bXA1C"

 source_to_update = {
      "doc" : { "text": clearedText }

  response = elasticClient.update(index='civile', doc_type="_doc", id=docId, body=source_to_update)
  print ('docId:',docId,"result:",response["result"],"response _shards:",response["_shards"]['successful'])

Specifically I want pass: ?pipeline=opennlp-pipeline parameter
to update statement like this

PUT /civile/_doc/0mlxun4BYyp6RT6bXA1C?pipeline=opennlp-pipeline
  "text": "Kobe Bryant was one of the best basketball players of all times. Not even Michael Jordan has ever scored 81 points in one game. Munich is really an awesome city, but New York is as well. Yesterday has been the hottest day of the year."

how to achieve this but in python?

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