Apm java agent makes no space left on device

Hello everyone.
Have a bit problem with apm agent in java apache_camel application.
The loaded service was connected to apm, as a result, a huge number of files are created in the /tmp directory like:
which are making the no space on device.
the debug log shows that we hit the limit of 500

2020-07-28 07: 15: 27.466 [Camel (QUEUE) thread # 96 - JmsConsumer [QUEUE.CHOICE]] WARN co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.ElasticApmTracer - Max spans (500) for transaction 'JMS RECEIVE from queue QUEUE.CHOICE '00-703339587ca9b2acfd5e1f04442d22d0-5bdbcee5a4cc46a9-01 (58d58b97) has been reached. For this transaction and possibly others, further spans will be dropped. See config param 'transaction_max_spans'.
2020-07-28 07: 20: 27.529 [Camel (QUEUE) thread # 99 - JmsConsumer [QUEUE.STATUS_ORDER]] WARN co.elastic.apm.agent.impl.ElasticApmTracer - Max spans (500) for transaction 'JMS RECEIVE from queue QUEUE.STATUS_ORDER '00-703339587ca9b2acfd5e1f04442d22d0-517364d2997aec2d-01 (266569ec) has been reached. For this transaction and possibly others, further spans will be dropped. See config param 'transaction_max_spans'.

which can be raised by adding to the agent launch line,
-Delastic.apm.transaction_max_spans = 1000

but after the increase we run into the limit 1000

Hi and welcome to the forum!

It may be a matter of misconfiguration. Specifically, the ones related to our profiling feature may require some adjustment.
What happens when you disable profiling (profiling_inferred_spans_enabled=false)? Do you get proper traces in such case? If so, start tuning through these settings.

If not, please provide the entire settings you are using and describe what's not working when profiling is off.

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