APM not showing logs in Transactions Page

Kibana version : 8.0.0

Elasticsearch version : 8.0.0

APM Server version : 8.0.0

APM Agent language and version : Java & 1.29.0

Browser version : Chrome

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version : Downloaded

Fresh install or upgraded from other version? Fresh

Is there anything special in your setup? No

Steps to reproduce :
I have deployed apm server, with ES and KB on Azure.
I have Java app where i configured apm agent.
From fluent bit I'm sending logs to ES
I have transaction id in metadata of APM transaction and In Kibana we have logs for this transaction id, still it does n't show in APM logs

Logs are formatted in Introduction | ECS Logging Java Reference [1.x] | Elastic

Are you saying the logs are not present in the apm server, or that the logs are there but the transaction IDs are not in the log documents?

It looks like you managed to properly create ECS-compatible logs, but your fluentbit setup decorates log messages, nesting each ECS-compatible JSON within a log field, which makes it non-ECS.
For example, if an ECS field like transaction.id is now ingested as log.transaction.id, it is not ECS-compatible anymore.

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