Apm server not detected

Kibana version: 7.10.1

Elasticsearch version: 7.10.1

APM Server version: 7.10.1

Original install method and version: Package manager on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

Fresh install or upgraded from other version?: Fresh

Hi, i'm approaching the ELK stack and i'm trying to configure apm-server. I've installed (i think correctly) ELK and i could create/manage index and data. I have activated xpack basic licence to enable basic auth.
I'm trying to install and configure apm server (on the same on-prem machine of the elk stack). This is my apm-server.yml configuration:

host: ""

kibana.enabled: true
kibana.host: ""
kibana.username: "elastic"
kibana.password: "changeme"

#============ Outputs =======================

hosts: [""]
enabled: true
username: "elastic"
password: "changeme"

Running 'systemctl start apm-server', the server seems start up correctly, but when i check from the kibana apm-server setup page i always get:

apm-server test config: Config OK
apm-server test output:
I've tryied to set up a nodejs agent app to see if the server was running correctly on :8200, and seems yes cause it is managing requests:

Is there something that i'm doing wrong?
I've also see that apm-server was creating 'Legacy index templates' on start up.. is that correct?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install the ELK stack 7.10.1 on Focal Fossa
  2. Install and run apm-server with the above configuration

Provide logs and/or server output (if relevant): No error in logs

Did you setup any APM agent to send some data to APM server and see again

Yes, i've write it in the request: "I've tryied to set up a nodejs agent app to see if the server was running correctly on :8200, and seems yes cause it is managing requests:"

I've found the solution, it was my mistake. Everything was working fine but i was logged in kibana with an user that not have permissions to access apm -index. So this probably cause apm-server status check fail. Thank you all!

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