APM server not getting events from Django

I setup the apm agent in my django app,verified that the configs are working but I'm not getting any transactions saved in elastic. I created a script that calls a GET endpoint 100x but no transaction is captured.

I only get transactions if there's an error (404, 500). The python manage.py elasticapm test sends the event to apm server too.

Am I missing some configs?


Hi Karmela

can you double check if you added the elasticapm.contrib.django.middleware.TracingMiddleware to your MIDDLEWARE list? This might also be called MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES if you use Django 1.11 or lower.


Hi Beni,

Yes, I added it in the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES. I already tried setting DEBUG=False in my app.. Still the agent is not receiving any event.

My Django version is 1.9.7

Hmm, that's weird. Another possible cause could be that due to some bug, the agent creates invalid requests to the apm-server. Can you try and run the apm-server with the -e flag? This should make it output any errors it encounters while processing requests from the agent.

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